I am an accumulation, an assembly of various bones, muscles, tendons, membranes with the various transparencies, forming an exact form, crossed by a nutritive and vivifying liquid, composed of solid corpuscles in an incalculable number, evolving, moving in inaccurate manner, which swim suspended in a fluid affecting the constancy of the forms, colouring of the skin the delicate fabric.

It would seem that my reality is a kaleïdoscope of mathematical assemblies of dense and univocal energies, more or less locatable, more or less abstract, more or less effective, around whose this accumulation of disorders is organized which finally me sied with the perfection, and around which are organized, appear, are opposed an incalculable number of acumulations, small located events, always directed towards an end.


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Janvier . Février . Mars . Avril. Mai.Juin .

juillet . Aout. Septembre .Octobre .Novembre.Decembre




Janvier .... fevrier.....mars ... Avril ...Mai ... JUIN

Juillet ... Août... Septembre ... Octobre ...Novembre...Decembre


octobre. novembre . Decembre


go index