If while leaving I had been turned over to throw an expressive glance at the time which passes, the impression felt in spite of the treasure of mislayings and latent discords, would have run destroyed my acts former of angel of the purgatory, responsible for the naive reflexions that my heart raised;

To become insane of life...

Between the escape and the analysis, open, close themselves, are given, begin again themselves, conceive themselves, spent, then become exhausted the possible ones.

" Watch the watch the way i walk, can't you see my movements talk."



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837 838 839 840 . 10 mars.841



Janvier . Février . Mars . Avril. Mai.Juin .

juillet . Aout. Septembre .Octobre .Novembre.Decembre




Janvier .... fevrier.....mars ... Avril ...Mai ... JUIN

Juillet ... Août... Septembre ... Octobre ...Novembre...Decembre


octobre. novembre . Decembre


go index